The incredibly sad news arrived today of the sudden death on Dinesh. D. – a beloved and special resident of Mithra. Dinesh was one of the most unassuming and least demanding children at Mithra. Confined to a wheelchair because of his debilitating muscular dystrophy, Dinesh was involved in everything that was happening both in school and after school. His friends were eager to ensure that his wheelchair was always first to assembly, first to the dining hall, first to the dormitory. His friends ensured he was involved in everything. Dinesh could speak well and he liked to read and write and he loved an opportunity to use the computer. Dinesh attended regular physiotherapy sessions, which improved his health. But the news received today said that he died from respiratory complications.
Dinesh had muscular dystrophy and occasionally has laboured breathing, but it usually corrects itself. He had been unwell, but improved and there was no sign that anything was wrong in the morning. By the afternoon he was labouring so the Sisters got an ambulance and sent him to the hospital. He only lasted a few hours before he had a cardiac arrest.
We cannot imagine the sadness of Dinesh’s father, his sister and the Mithra community. Recent visitors to Mithra remember his beautiful smile, his sense of humour, and his keen observations of all that was happening at Mithra. We extend our love and sincere sympathy to his family, the Sisters, staff and fellow residents of Mithra. We can be sure that another soul is celebrating eternal life with his God.
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