It’s hard to believe that 20 years ago, students from Saint Ignatius College, Adelaide, embarked on the very first Pilgrimage through India from that school. (It was the first Immersion/service trip for the College).
The first volunteers were: Alex Ben, Nick Bradley, Hugh Brown, Will Brown, Alex Hart, Sebastian Hill, Ben Ros, Ben Russ, Andrzej Skrzypiec and Matt Winter. The teachers were: Richard Bryant, Rob Callen, Mike Ebert & Nick Dunstan.
The Indian pilgrimage has become an important tradition in the college community, with many students volunteering to take part in the biennial service trip.
A most significant part of every pilgrimage is the visit to MITHRA Rehabilitation Centre in Chennai. The close interaction between the Ignatius pilgrims and the children of MITHRA has a profound impact of everyone.
Sr Mary Theodore, founder of MITHRA, with the staff and students welcomed the Ignatius pilgrims with open arms! Over the years, the Saint Ignatius community has been very generous with support for MITHRA. [At the time of the first visit, Sr Mary Theodore was seriously ill, but got out of her sick bed for a group photo!!]
In November/December 2019, Pilgrimage #11 from Saint Ignatius will visit MITHRA and continue the close bond and the important tradition of love and service; being men and women for others.