Fundraising guidelines

Fundraising Guidelines

  1. My fundraising activity will promote the purpose of Friends of Mithra and will always endeavour to portray Friends of Mithra in a positive light.
  2. I understand that all funds raised from my fundraising activity will be used to further the purpose of Friends of Mithra.
  3. I understand that I am responsible for any fundraising activity costs and that any fundraising activity costs shall at all times be held to a percentage of revenue which is generally acceptable within the not-for-profit sector and by the public.
  4. I agree to seek permission to use the Friends of Mithra name or logo on materials relating to the fundraising activity.
  5. I give consent for photographs or other information I provide from the event to be published online or in publications by Friends of Mithra.
  6. Friends of Mithra will be able to assist with organising and marketing fundraising activities.